
Saturday, June 14, 2014


Wow, it's hard to believe that I have been a Dad for a whopping 4 years!  I love being a dad.  Let me say that again.  I love being a Dad.  Not only do I love it, but I look forward to coming home each and every day to see my girls and going for a wagon ride or just hanging out. 

So, you ask, what's the big deal?  I thought this was pretty much the norm.  Have a kid and love being with them.  Wow, and wow again.  I am so wrong.  I guess there is a reason why we have so many of our children that are in foster care and in homeless shelters.

This truly breaks my heart and I can't even imagine doing such a thing to either of my girls.  Really, I can't imagine this.  Why can't I imagine this, others seem to not have a problem whatsoever doing this; otherwise, we would not have so many children in foster care and homeless shelters.

OK, back to my point.  Why do I love my children so dearly and would never have the thought of not taking care of them like a father would?  Or, better yet, like a father should.  Have a kid, take care of a kid, right?

I thank God for what I have today.  I know I am not the norm, but I married at a later age(I believe there is a reason for that) and here I am, the happiest man alive.  Well, that may or may not be true, but I definitely believe that I did not get married till I was ready to be married.

I am going to stop here as this post could go on for days.  However, this Father's day, I am grateful to be a dad and love my girls dearly.  I can't imagine any other way and I am struggling as to why any parent would not feel the same.



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