
Sunday, December 24, 2006

December 17-December 23

Week 4-Wow, another GREAT week of training! There are two things that I noticed this week:
1) My times are improving significantly.
2) My body is feeling less sore during the longer runs.

Here are the results from this week:

Sunday: 55:58/7 mi/27:52-out/28:06-in
Monday: 56:29/7.3 mi/29:03-out(5-fartleks)/27:26-in(5-fartleks)
Tuesday: 1:28:19/10.5 mi/44:14-out/44:05-in
Wednesday: 56:03/7.3 mi/28:50-out(5-fartleks)/27:12-in(5-fartleks)
Thursday: Unable to run
Friday: REST
Saturday: 2:29:57/18 mi

The one thing that I am amazed about is the strength that I am gaining through all the running. On Saturday, during the 18 mile run, I was not even tired when finishing up the run. I had considered running for 3 hours as opposed to the 2 hours and 30 minutes, but decided against it. Seeing the improvement has assured me that I will be ready for my next event. Also, it has made me realize that I need to change my Saturday schedule.

My plan is to run next Saturday for 2.5 hours and then 3 hours for the month of January for the Saturday runs. Lydiard talked about getting faster in his program and the changes that would take place once one started getting in better shape. He also mentioned to not get caught up in the times, so this will be a challenge for me as I start to get faster. The main reason he states this so to keep one from injury. I have been fortunate and been able to avoid injury thus far. My plan is to keep it that way.

As Christmas is tomorrow, I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday!


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