
Sunday, March 25, 2007

March 19-March 25

Wow, what a busy week. Unfortunately, I did not get to run a whole lot this week due to by extremely busy schedule. That being said, I enjoyed the REST! I think a little rest never hurt anyone!

I think the REST helped me as I was able to PR once again on Sunday in the Inaugural Georgia Half Marathon. Please look for photos later in the week.

Here are this weeks results:

Monday: Did not SPIN
Tuesday: 5 mi/ DNR
Wednesday: 4 mi/27:27/out-14:26/in-13:00
Thursday: 3 mi/25:24/out-13:09/in-12:15
Friday: REST
Saturday: 2 mi/DNR
Sunday: Inaugural Georgia Half Marathon/1:39:34/**Personal Record**

Whew! Well, inspite of me skipping my SPIN class and skiping a couple of runs throughout the week, I still managed to PR. I really do think the REST made a big difference, especially since I just ran a marathon a little over a month ago. I must say, I did not do a good job the night before the half-marathon. I had a pre-planned dinner engagement that I could not get out of. Not that I could not get out of it, I really did not want to get out of it. That being said, I had a couple glasses of wine and stayed out a little longer than I had planned. My whole plan for the half-marathon was to run 7:30 miles. Well, I must say, I did it for the most part. I think the last mile was a little over that, but not by much. Nevertheless, I did PR and that is enough for me. I think I am going to take another break for a few days and figure out what is next for me.

I hope everyone has had a GREAT weekend and the POLLEN is not to much of a hassle. I must say, for me and my allergies, the POLLEN is definitely not my friend. Come RAIN, Come RAIN!!!!


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