
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Finally, A Long Run...

I am excited to say that I did not miss a single run this week and I was able to run pain-free all week long! Yeah! I was not sure if was ever going to be able to say that. My Saturday run was probably longer than I should have bee running, but I thought, what the heck! It was such a nice cool Fall morning, I had to. The physical therapist did tell me that I could increase my mileage on the weekends(not 5 whole miles). I guess I will increase 1 mile per week now that I am at 10 miles, just don't let the physical therapist know what I am doing. Of course, I will listen to my body and if I am in pain, I will not continue at this rate.

Here are this week's results:

Monday: 4.1 mi/36:40
Tuesday: REST
Wednesday: 4.3 mi/38:02
Thursday: REST
Friday: REST
Saturday: 9.6 mi/1:25:52
Sunday: 3.4 mi/30:03
Mileage=21.4 miles

**Please visit the MotionBased link to see more information about each of my runs this week!**

As you can see, I am making progress and I am so excited! For the first time since my injury, I was able to run back-to-back days(Sat.&Sun.) It felt great as I took my time on Sunday and the weather was perfect. I even picked up the pace coming back in. This week I will probably continue to do my every other day runs and possibly start increasing to maybe 45 minutes as opposed to the usual 30. As you can see, I have been going past the 30 minutes anyway, so I may as well increase to 45 minutes. Next Saturday is my birthday as it will be a BIG one for me! I will probably celebrate by doing at least a 10 miler if not longer(all depends on how I feel). Of course my wife knows nothing about this so if she reads my blog, I am sure this will change. She never reads it so I am not too worried about her finding out. Hope everyone has a wonderful week as Fall is here!!

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