For You formed my inward parts;
You wove me in my mother’s womb.
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;
Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;
And in Your book were all written
The days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was not one of them.
How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.
When I awake, I am still with You.
Psalm 139:13-18
Nothing better than a good run! I've been running for over 30 years and find myself enjoying it more every run. Running marathons is a thing of the past for me. I'm extremely proud to have been able to complete 14 marathons. These days, my goals have changed and I have enjoyed running 1 1/2 marathon a month. Woot! Running 3-4 times a week is good enough. Spending time with my wife and kiddos, Juliana(14) and Jessa(13) are priority for me these days. GR8FL!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
April 27-May 3
Happy Birthday to my lovely wife, Sabrina! I enjoyed celebrating with you all day on Saturday!
Finally, a good week of training with no missed workouts. Yeah! I feel pretty good about my triathlon training and I am even happy about my swimming. Of course, the swimming is really the only part of the race that I was ever concerned about. The swimming workouts have definitely helped a bunch. I am by now means there yet, but feel pretty confident that I will get there. I did miss my Sunday swim, but I will make it up this week.
Here are this week's results:
Monday: REST
Tuesday: 4.4 mi(am)/38:10/Nice, cool, morning run where I took my time and just took it easy!
9 mi(pm)(bike ride)/40:12/Nice ride after a morning run and the weather was very nice!
(Morning Run)

(Evening Bike Ride)

Wednesday: 4.3 mi/34:57/Great run where I ran late in the evening. I felt well-rested and I was able to hold back and not over-do it.

Thursday: 4.8 mi/48:49/Nice run with Dan and his son! I really enjoyed the hills, we walked the last half mile or so.

Friday: REST
Saturday: 21.5 mi(bike)/1:22:42/Nice morning ride with very few hills. I wish we could have gone further.

Sunday: 6.85 mi/57:28/Whew! Today's run was a bit of a struggle, but nevertheless a good run. I should have run a little further, but I will I am happy!

Weekly Miles: 20.3 miles(run)/30.5 miles(bike)
**Please visit the MotionBased link to see more information about each of my runs this week!**
This week will be pretty much the same as this past week. I will continue my triathlon training and hope to get a bit more swimming in without a missed workout. Hopefully, this rain is gone for awhile and we will get some good weather this week. Hope everyone has a GREAT week!
Finally, a good week of training with no missed workouts. Yeah! I feel pretty good about my triathlon training and I am even happy about my swimming. Of course, the swimming is really the only part of the race that I was ever concerned about. The swimming workouts have definitely helped a bunch. I am by now means there yet, but feel pretty confident that I will get there. I did miss my Sunday swim, but I will make it up this week.
Here are this week's results:
Monday: REST
Tuesday: 4.4 mi(am)/38:10/Nice, cool, morning run where I took my time and just took it easy!
9 mi(pm)(bike ride)/40:12/Nice ride after a morning run and the weather was very nice!
(Morning Run)

(Evening Bike Ride)

Wednesday: 4.3 mi/34:57/Great run where I ran late in the evening. I felt well-rested and I was able to hold back and not over-do it.

Thursday: 4.8 mi/48:49/Nice run with Dan and his son! I really enjoyed the hills, we walked the last half mile or so.

Friday: REST
Saturday: 21.5 mi(bike)/1:22:42/Nice morning ride with very few hills. I wish we could have gone further.

Sunday: 6.85 mi/57:28/Whew! Today's run was a bit of a struggle, but nevertheless a good run. I should have run a little further, but I will I am happy!

Weekly Miles: 20.3 miles(run)/30.5 miles(bike)
**Please visit the MotionBased link to see more information about each of my runs this week!**
This week will be pretty much the same as this past week. I will continue my triathlon training and hope to get a bit more swimming in without a missed workout. Hopefully, this rain is gone for awhile and we will get some good weather this week. Hope everyone has a GREAT week!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
April 20-April 26
Not a bad week of training. I missed my Thursday run, but still a fairly good week of training. The temperatures are definitely warming up. The weekend was really a nice one with warmer temperatures. I am on a countdown. Only 4 weeks or so left in school. Whew! How time flies! Not sure what my summer plans are just yet, other than a honey-do list that is a mile long. My wife and I are taking a trip out to Dallas, Texas sometime to see family, that's about all I know of for now.
Here are this week's results:
Monday: 4.2 mi/34:44/Nice run on yet another windy afternoon. It should have been an easier run, but I had a hard time holding back.

Tuesday: REST
Wednesday: 4.2 mi/35:28/Nice morning run, I took it easy for the most part. It was a bit cooler than I was expecting.

Thursday: REST
Friday: REST
Saturday: ALTA tennis (got beat, 6-3/6-0)/Worked in the yard and inside the house most of the day.
Sunday: 9 mi/1:27:46/Nice long run with Stefanie with many hills. It was very warm!
10.2 mi/41:46/First bike ride in a long time and it was right after a 9 mile run, whew! I actually felt pretty darn good!
Sunday's Bike Route/Elevation
Sunday's Run
Weekly Miles: 17.4 miles(run)/10.2 miles(bike)
**Please visit the MotionBased link to see more information about each of my runs this week!**
This week I will probably do most of my running in the mornings. Seeing that it is getting warmer, I will be riding my bike in the evenings. I am sure this week will be a much better week for me. Hope everyone has had a great week of training. Sunday really topped my week off. I did not feel as though the week was great, but after Sunday's run and bike-ride, I am well pleased! Have a super week training!
Here are this week's results:
Monday: 4.2 mi/34:44/Nice run on yet another windy afternoon. It should have been an easier run, but I had a hard time holding back.

Tuesday: REST
Wednesday: 4.2 mi/35:28/Nice morning run, I took it easy for the most part. It was a bit cooler than I was expecting.

Thursday: REST
Friday: REST
Saturday: ALTA tennis (got beat, 6-3/6-0)/Worked in the yard and inside the house most of the day.
Sunday: 9 mi/1:27:46/Nice long run with Stefanie with many hills. It was very warm!
10.2 mi/41:46/First bike ride in a long time and it was right after a 9 mile run, whew! I actually felt pretty darn good!
Sunday's Bike Route/Elevation
Sunday's Run
Weekly Miles: 17.4 miles(run)/10.2 miles(bike)
**Please visit the MotionBased link to see more information about each of my runs this week!**
This week I will probably do most of my running in the mornings. Seeing that it is getting warmer, I will be riding my bike in the evenings. I am sure this week will be a much better week for me. Hope everyone has had a great week of training. Sunday really topped my week off. I did not feel as though the week was great, but after Sunday's run and bike-ride, I am well pleased! Have a super week training!
Monday, April 13, 2009
April 13-April 19
Well, I am happy to report that I got some miles in this week! Man, it was good to be back on the pavement again after a whole week of laziness or should I say just being busy? I did make some time for some exercising and we are finally getting some warmer temperatures here throughout the day. My triathlon training went really well this week. I got two good swims in, ugh! I missed my Sunday swim due to house work!
Here are this week's results:
Monday: 4.2 mi/35:19/Whew! It felt sooo good to be running again! Man, nice, easy run as I started my triathlon training!

Tuesday: REST
Wednesday: 4 mi/33:58/First morning run and it was a very good run. Much cooler than expected and very windy!

Thursday: 4.3 mi/34:56/Great run and I felt great! I really wanted to run further, but chose not to. Also, I got new shoes!

Friday: REST
Saturday: ALTA tennis(Won-6-1/6-3)
Sunday: 7.2 mi/1:01:15/Nice long run with a whole lot of wind! I actually was able to get some good hills in with some good speed, great run!

Weekly Miles: 19.7 miles
**Please visit the MotionBased link to see more information about each of my runs this week!**
So, as you can see I had a much better week than the previous week! I am hoping for an even better week this week as the temperatures continue to improve. Of course, now all I need is the rain to go away. I actually postponed my Sunday run thinking it was going to rain and then I just said forget it and went for it. It was actually very nice the entire run and once I got home, it started raining(alright with me). That is normally how it works for me, seriously! Hope everyone had a productive week!
Here are this week's results:
Monday: 4.2 mi/35:19/Whew! It felt sooo good to be running again! Man, nice, easy run as I started my triathlon training!

Tuesday: REST
Wednesday: 4 mi/33:58/First morning run and it was a very good run. Much cooler than expected and very windy!

Thursday: 4.3 mi/34:56/Great run and I felt great! I really wanted to run further, but chose not to. Also, I got new shoes!

Friday: REST
Saturday: ALTA tennis(Won-6-1/6-3)
Sunday: 7.2 mi/1:01:15/Nice long run with a whole lot of wind! I actually was able to get some good hills in with some good speed, great run!

Weekly Miles: 19.7 miles
**Please visit the MotionBased link to see more information about each of my runs this week!**
So, as you can see I had a much better week than the previous week! I am hoping for an even better week this week as the temperatures continue to improve. Of course, now all I need is the rain to go away. I actually postponed my Sunday run thinking it was going to rain and then I just said forget it and went for it. It was actually very nice the entire run and once I got home, it started raining(alright with me). That is normally how it works for me, seriously! Hope everyone had a productive week!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
April 6-April 12
Well, Spring break is over and time to get back to work! Whew, what a nice spring break. I did a lot of work around the house and just tried to enjoy the break. I went away on Wednesday to Alabama to spend time with my brother and his family. We had a blast! I also got to play a round of golf which was a whole lot of fun. Thanks BJ for a great round. We returned home on Friday to a really bad thunderstorm and just spent the evening at the house. I play my ALTA tennis match on Saturday and won and then went home to celebrate Easter with my parents on Sunday.
As you can see, I once again have absolutely nothing to report by way of training/exercising. This week will definitely be a much better week for me as I try to get back on track and start training for my first triathlon. I am hoping to do my first run this week in the morning since I have tennis practice tomorrow evening and then ride my bike after school.
Hope everyone had a nice Easter and celebrated the resurrection!
As you can see, I once again have absolutely nothing to report by way of training/exercising. This week will definitely be a much better week for me as I try to get back on track and start training for my first triathlon. I am hoping to do my first run this week in the morning since I have tennis practice tomorrow evening and then ride my bike after school.
Hope everyone had a nice Easter and celebrated the resurrection!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
March 30-April 5
Yeeeaaahhhh, can you say Spring Break baby!!! Not a bad week of training. Yeah, I did not get many runs in, but I was just so happy to be running again. I played tennis on Monday night for a make-up match due to the rain, and we won! My team is in 2nd place at the moment. Way to go team, we took all 5 points last week. This week we have a bye, so my team will pick up come Monday and play next Saturday! That being said, I finished my week off by riding my bike on Sunday. Man, it felt so good to be back on my bike. As a matter of fact, I am considering doing my first TRI in June. We'll see. I will keep you posted!
Here are this week's results:(I did not have my GPS on Wednesday's run so no graphics)
Monday: REST
Tuesday: REST
Wednesday: 6.2 mi/51:08/Very nice, pretty fast run. First run in nearly 2 weeks. Finally some better weather!
Thursday: REST
Friday: REST
Saturday: 6.8 mi/1:00:42/Just trying to get back into running. Great run that should have been longer, but I needed to get back home for yard work!

Sunday: 16.8 mi(bike)/1:07:21/Wow, it felt great being back on my bike again! I did not realize how much I had missed it and Dan and I rode some serious hills, GREAT ride!
Weekly Miles: 13 (run)/16.8 (bike)
So, this week I am hoping for much better results. I am hoping to get in more miles via running and biking. I am not getting my hopes up as I saw the forecast for the week. It looks like we are getting more cold weather as well as more rain. That being said, if we do, I will probably have the same results this week. My wife and I are traveling on Wednesday and will be away till Friday. I will be taking my running clothes with me for sure and hope to get two runs in while away. We are headed to Montgomery, AL to spend some time with my brother and his family! Hope everyone has a wonderful, productive week!
Keep Exercising!
Here are this week's results:(I did not have my GPS on Wednesday's run so no graphics)
Monday: REST
Tuesday: REST
Wednesday: 6.2 mi/51:08/Very nice, pretty fast run. First run in nearly 2 weeks. Finally some better weather!
Thursday: REST
Friday: REST
Saturday: 6.8 mi/1:00:42/Just trying to get back into running. Great run that should have been longer, but I needed to get back home for yard work!

Sunday: 16.8 mi(bike)/1:07:21/Wow, it felt great being back on my bike again! I did not realize how much I had missed it and Dan and I rode some serious hills, GREAT ride!
Weekly Miles: 13 (run)/16.8 (bike)
So, this week I am hoping for much better results. I am hoping to get in more miles via running and biking. I am not getting my hopes up as I saw the forecast for the week. It looks like we are getting more cold weather as well as more rain. That being said, if we do, I will probably have the same results this week. My wife and I are traveling on Wednesday and will be away till Friday. I will be taking my running clothes with me for sure and hope to get two runs in while away. We are headed to Montgomery, AL to spend some time with my brother and his family! Hope everyone has a wonderful, productive week!
Keep Exercising!
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