Here are this week's results:
Monday; REST
Tuesday: 5 mi/44:00/Nice run w/Dan! I probably ran faster than I would like, but nevertheless, a great run! No-pain!

Wednesday: 4.4 mi/36:54/Great run! I had a hard time holding back and not running too hard!

Thursday: 6.2 mi/53:04/Awesome run! I could not figure out how far I wanted to run. I started out planning to run 4 miles on my usual flat course. I felt so good that I ran my hilly 6 mile route and I was able to run pretty hard coming in! My lower adductor is definitely getting much better!

Friday: REST
Saturday: 8.2 mi/1:11:27/Nice, long run that I wanted to be longer! Had some good hills going and coming. Shortened the run due to another long run planned for Sunday.

Sunday: 7.1 mi/1:06:45/Good, hilly run with Stefanie, great run Stef!

Weekly Miles: 30.9 mi
Definitely a great week of running! It has been awhile since I was able to run for one whole week pain-free! That is so uplifting! Also, it was a good feeling ending my week with two long runs, back-to-back! This week I plan to continue my weekly runs of 4 miles and I will probably increase one or two of those runs by adding a mile or two. I am not certain, but I am considering running a 10k on Saturday and if that happens, I will probably do a long run on Sunday. Hope everyone has had a good week of running!
**Please visit the MotionBased link to see more information about each of my runs this week!**