Here are this week's results:
Monday: REST
Tuesday: 4.1 mi/36:08/Wow, easy run that should have been easier. I ran a minute faster than previous 4 milers. Felt well
rested after 1 day of rest!

Wednesday: REST
Thursday: 2.8 mi/23:53/Wow, ran a fast run that felt great with no pain. Probably should not have ran so fast!

Friday: REST
Saturday: 7.1 mi/1:04/Great run with Dan, Allen and Josh! Ran a very comfortable pace and I was well-rested!

Sunday: 4.3 mi/36:01/Wow, another great run with no-pain and it was after a long run the day before!

Weekly Miles: 18.3 mi
**Please visit the MotionBased link to see more information about each of my runs this week!**
As you can see, I am making some progress and I am getting pretty excited about my running again! As I ran today, I noticed my speed coming back and I had to really concentrate to hold back and not over-do it. This week, I will stick to my plan and continue to rehab and do physical therapy. I will also continue my 4 mile runs this week. My weekend run may be a long one if I am feeling good, much longer than this week's long run! I would like to congratulate my brother, BJ for finishing his 2nd marathon (BankTrust First Light Marathon) today in Mobile, AL! Way to go BJ!
Hope everyone has had a GREAT start to 2009!
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